Sharmistha S. Gupta

University of Massachusetts, Amherst
(413) 379-6616

Hi, there!

About Me

Hi! I'm a second year Masters student majoring Computer Science at UMass Amherst. My current research interests include machine learning, reinforcement learning, multi-agent robot learning, and human robot collaboration.
I also like interacting with all sorts of interfaces, especially hardware, and am excited to see applications of algorithms on real world systems.
I interned at the Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA in Summer 2021. I was advised by Prof. Katia Sycara and Dr. Dana Hughes. My problem statement dealt with using inverse reinforcement learning in human robot collaboration.

In the initial years of undergrad, I did some research in theoretical human-computer interaction (HCI) as well.

I'm actively seeking full time roles starting February 2023.


  • May 2021: I re-joined the Advanced-Agents Robotics Technology Lab at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. My advisors were Prof. Katia Sycara and Dr. Dana Hughes.

  • January 2021: I joined University of Massachusetts, Amherst as a full-time Masters student, majoring in Computer Science.

  • October 2019: I attended the 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication held in New Delhi, India from Oct 14 - Oct 18, 2019. The conference was themed Responsible Robotics and AI for the Real World.

  • August 2019: I presented my poster titled 'Imitation Learning for Latent Factors in Human Robot Collaboration' at the CMU-RISS poster session 2019. The poster summarizes the work done by me as a part of my summer internship at CMU-RI from May 28 - Aug 16, 2019. A pdf of the poster can be found here. Poster of other RISS interns that were presented during the session can be found here.

  • websci
  • July 2019: I presented my poster titled 'Building Sociality through Sharing: A Seniors' Perspective on Misinformation' at ACM WebSci '19 held at Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA. This work was a result of research done under the guidance of Dr. Shriram Venkatraman and Dr. Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, alongwith Mahika Wason.

  • May 2019: I joined the Advanced-Agents Robotics Technology Lab at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA as a Robotics Institute Summer Scholar 2019. My advisors were Prof. Katia Sycara and Dr. Dana Hughes.

  • February 2019: I was selected as one of the ~35 students all over the world for Carnegie Mellon University's fully funded Robotics Institute Summer Scholars Program 2019.

  • October 2018: I attended GoLab '19 in Florence, Italy alongwith my Rails Girls Summer of Code teammate, Arushi Chauhan.